Travel Cancellation / Travel Insurance Notice

Some people want to cancel their planned trips due to the risk of contracting coronavirus and/or because of the impact of the virus on the area concerned.

For more information regarding travelling to specific areas of the world, please go to Depending on your specific travel insurance policy, most insurance companies will cover cancelled trips to countries to which the Foreign Office advise not to travel. No certificate from your GP is required.

In addition, please be advised that the surgery is unable to provide letters or certificates to travel insurance companies supporting requests for refunds by patients who, without any significant change in medical illness since time of booking, cancel their travel plans.

If you do cancel a holiday and need to claim on travel insurance, the insurance company will usually send you a form. If this requires a doctor’s report/opinion, please email it to marked “FAO Mrs Lisa Smith”.  Mrs Smith will ensure that the correct processes are followed including consents and any fee payable.